Video Streaming

Streaming Video Content
in the CERE Ecosystem


The CERE ecosystem offers a comprehensive solution for streaming video content, leveraging a suite of innovative products and technologies. This document outlines the process of streaming video content within the CERE ecosystem, utilizing the following key components:

  1. DDC (Decentralized Data Cluster)
    • A decentralized data storage solution built on blockchain technology, serving as the repository for video content.
  2. Freeport (Freeport Creator Suite)
    • A versatile tool that allows creators and developers to generate digital content, including videos, without writing any code.
  3. NFT Global Registry
    • A blockchain indexer that enables rapid extraction of information, including NFT data and transaction details.
  4. Media SDK
    • A development kit used by developers to create applications designed for creators & media that interact with the CERE infrastructure. It provides a set of modules and methods that allow seamless integration with the Cerebellum Network's decentralized data cloud (DDC).

Two options that can be used for Video Streaming

There are at least 2 options on how you can stream video content from DDC:

  1. Video files, that can be accessed by the direct link
  2. Private files, that can be accessed only by particular NFT owners

See the Integration guide to try it yourself.

Private files, that can be accessed only by particular NFT owners

How does it work?

The user mints the NFT in Freeport Creator Suite and uploads the video. Video is encoded using HLS protocol, and then chunks are encrypted and stored in DDC. Then user, who owns the NFT can watch the content by providing the signature that is later verified by the Freeport, using NFT Global Registry.

How video encryption/decryption works

This particular topic is described here.

How to showcase it?

This is more advanced option that can be also used on top of the Cere stack. High-level steps should be taken to achieve the goal:

Supporting different video types and formats

This particular topic is described here.